Can Avast For Mac Scan One File
A little while ago I noticed my 5 month old MBP wasn't running properly. Avast for mac 10.5. It gradually got worse till the point where it became unusable as apps were crashing relentlessly. Avast for mac firewall exceptions.
I brought it to the genius bar. They said the hard drive was a lemon and replaced it. Well that fixed absolutely nothing. Took it home and had the same problems so I decided to start running some anti-malware software. Adware medic, Sophos, Avast, Clam and a couple others. They all found infected files and deleted them.
The following Mac Free Antivirus issues can be fixed with small changes to the program settings. What does the 'Unable to Scan' message mean? In the Avast Reports screen, the Unable to Scan message indicates that a complete scan was not performed on the number of files specified. Launch Avast Cleanup Pro (you can get it here) and click on SCAN beneath the “Clean Clutter” tile. Wait for the results screen. Wait for the results screen. The next screen reveals the list of files that were detected.
This helped immensely and now my computer is running ALMOST perfectly. I feel it still isn't 100%. It's still slightly laggy to open drop down items from big folders, I get the occasional little glitch like a program not responding, some plugins I have are a glitchy and cause my software to crash but I think that's just cause they were buggy to begin with.